Training , Certification & BC Registry Development and implementation of technology based, standardized, robust and easy to use training (banking, insurance, pension and securities etc.) platform; certification system; and BC registry for Corporate Business Correspondents (CBCs) and  Agent Business Correspondent  (ABCs) across the various BC models. Programme is ready for implementation. 
Technology Development and implementation of a technology platform (webserver, website and mobile app) for use by Corporate Business Correspondents (CBCs) and Agent Business Correspondent (ABCs) across the various BC models as well as other authorised users. It will also integrate with other components being developed i.e. standards, COC and GRM. Technology developed.
Standards Development and implementation of a standardized, integrated and inter-operable technology solution and API based framework that will facilitate BCs including White Label BCs. The programme will facilitate the BCs to emerge as high quality interoperable network with aim to provide banking, insurance, pension, securities services as well as payment and settlements. Programme is ready for implementation.
Code of Conduct Development and implementation of a standardised and harmonised Code of Conduct (COC) for the BC sector encompassing the full range of financial inclusion services i.e. banking, insurance, pension and securities etc.  Programme is ready for implementation.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism Development and implementation of a robust and effective grievance redressal framework and system for ABCs. It would be implemented across Corporate Business Correspondents (CBCs) and Agent Business Correspondent (ABCs). The GRM would report and also be accessible by policy makers (government), regulators and adjacent institutions. Programme is ready for implementation.