Introduction to agent
Risk management for
Regulatory compliance for agents
Customer service and relationship management
Introduction to training
Issues related to technology and devices
Digital transactions Modes of authentication and 2FA
Account opening and KYC process
Various types of insurance products
Various types of insurance products
Needs and benefits of marketing
Overview of various systems and devices
Grievance redressal mechanism - advanced
Basic services provided by an ABC
Recordkeeping and time management
Practical skills required by a sucessfull ABC.
Moral values & ethical
Marketing material and branding
Introduction to PMJJBY its features and claim process
Introduction to PMJDY and its features
Introduction to pension and 'Atal Pension Yojna'
Credit and various loan products
Introduction to insurance and PMSBY
Insurance products for economically weaker section
Handling customer complaints and introduction to GRM
Financial counselling for customers
Benefits and usage of
Basics of
Introduction to advanced digital payment products and their methods